I was just given 18 oz of fresh off the vine hops from a friend. I’m newer to brewing so this is my first time with fresh v/s pelleted. Anyone have a good extract recipe that these would work with?
I was just given 18 oz of fresh off the vine hops from a friend. I’m newer to brewing so this is my first time with fresh v/s pelleted. Anyone have a good extract recipe that these would work with?
hop variety? You need a lot of hops (and a lot of wort, as the hops will absorb) for a fresh hop ale.
Oops, Cascade.
I don’t have any recipes of my own, nor have I ever brewed one, but have definitely really enjoyed a few fresh hop ales. I would google up some recipes (BYO, AHA would probably have some good ones), but I would think the malt/fermentables could be pretty simple and result in a solid beer. Maybe 90% pale LME with some munich and light crystal to steep. I’ve become more of a fan of using a relatively clean British ale yeast in American hop forward beers (like London III or Conan/Vermont Ale).
I would think, since I’m assuming these hops have not been tested for acid/compound levels, that you would want to use a neutral pellet or hop extract to bitter @ 60 minutes, then add the fresh hops at flameout/dry hop.
I’ve got a great pale ale recipe for you, provided you can steep some cracked grain first.
5.5 lbs light LME
1/2 lb Cara-Pils
1/2 lb Crystal 40
Use all fresh cascade hops:
2.5 oz FW
7.5 oz 60 min
2.5 oz 15 min
2.5 oz Flame out
3 oz Dry
Use US-05, 1054, or any other American ale yeast.
You can use the same recipe with pellets, just divide the hop weight by 5.