Just a general thanks

I too thought it a good idea to have a general FAQ. However, seeing as how people don’t search for answers I feel it will likely be ignored. In addition, I think people asking some of the similar questions allows newer Brewers to answer, building and confirming their knowledge.


I think just the fact that we are having this discussion goes a long way toward showing what a great group this is.

Cheers to all…and Briess!



There are also those that might be searching for the answer to their question and have the answer have nothing to do with their original question, which is what happened with me a few times on here when I started brewing last year.

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Why does it always have to be about briefs? Cant the color of a cooler be an important issue too?.. I’ll bet the newbs are looking at this and wonder how entrenched we aren’t! :smile: Its all good, and I do enjoy how each has an answer that does help the newer brewers learn! Sneezles61
PS, auto correct changed briess!!!:joy:

Well if we didn’t have all the new brewers stop by the forum asking questions what would we do. It’s fun, heck nobody else wants to listen to us talk about brewing.


For all the noobs, here’s the source of the “grainy Breiss” joke. In my years here, this has been the most spiny debate on the forum. I read through it about a year after it happened, and was amazed at how civil it was, in terms of usual Internet tough guy bloviating.

For the record, I don’t know where red vs. blue mash tuns came from.


Just skimmed through that thread… That’s the most heated exchange I’ve seen on here (almost 2 years)

I remember that exchange when I first started on this forum. Glad there’s no more of that. Funny that people still bring it up. That guy went over to another forum HBA I think

There was another heated discussion, memorable to me since I started it :cry:
About whether a salted ice bath is colder than a fresh-water ice bath.

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The real question there is whether the discussion was heated, or if the environment in which that discussion existed was conducive to increased heat of the discussion.

Remember, technically correct is the best correct :wink:

OMG, thanks! Spilled my brew laughing! I do wonder where all those peeps went? I think the red vs. blue was a paradigm to the election, sort of… Still OMG, that was great! Sneezles61

I’m switching to a red cooler. Wanting to make my homebrew great again


I was looking for options… Transparent? Sneezles61

Put a wall around it.

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I see . To keep out alien yeast right? Makes sense


That explains my strangely sweet IPA. My blue cooler was too busy emailing God knows who rather than converting effectively.


I was thinking about it and after I go through the hassle not to mention expense could the yeasts just go over the wall?

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Make AB/InBev pay for it.

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They will only go over the wall for a transgender bathroom.

That one got too technical too quick for me to keep up. I couldn’t even say the salt made the saturated water “grainy!”