Is RO water sanitary?

I’m thinking about buying a gallon of RO water and refrigerating it, then adding it to the boiled wort after my immersion chiller has cooled the wort down below say 90 F.

Would there be a problem with that? I do BIAB and using a bit less water for the mash might improve the stability of the mash.

I use water from a municipal water tower and it’s pretty warm to start with --especially in the summer.

It’s hard to get a quick temperature reduction without wasting a lot of water.

Thanks in advance for your help.

It’s likely it is sanitary, but there’s no guarantee.

I agree with Denny’s answer.

Extract brewers who don’t do full boils often add filtered water to their chilled concentrated wort to get their volume. I did that for my first year or two of brewing without ill effect. I’m not sure if RO scares me more than filtered water.

The two men ahead of me in this post gave you a conservative answer. I respect the heck out of both men. I’m just thinking that if you are otherwise clean and pitch ample yeast in reasonable time after cooled, you’ll be all right. Try it and report back.

[quote=“burdbrew”]Extract brewers who don’t do full boils often add filtered water to their chilled concentrated wort to get their volume. I did that for my first year or two of brewing without ill effect. I’m not sure if RO scares me more than filtered water.

The two men ahead of me in this post gave you a conservative answer. I respect the heck out of both men. I’m just thinking that if you are otherwise clean and pitch ample yeast in reasonable time after cooled, you’ll be all right. Try it and report back.[/quote]

Basically, I agree with you. I have added top up water from my tap many times without problem. But there’s no guarantee.