Okay so I am a partial mash brewer and I want to do an IPA. Here is my recipe for 5 gallons:
OG: 1.063 for about 70% eff
4.5 lbs Pale LME
1 lb Munich LME
3 lbs 2 Row
1 lb Maris Otter
12 oz C-20
6 oz Carapils
4 oz White Wheat malt
I want this to have a lot of hop flavor and aroma, so I want to do a lot of late additions. These are the hops I have: Columbus, Cascade, Centennial, Belma, Legacy, Chinnook. Here is my idea for hop schedule:
.75 oz Columbus- 60 min
.5 oz Cascade- 20 min
.5 oz Centennial- 20 min
1 oz Cascade- 15 min
.5 oz Centennial- 15 min
1 oz Centennial- 10 min
1 oz Cascade + 1 oz Legacy + .75 oz Columbus- 5 min
.5 oz Cascade + .5 oz Chinnook + .5 oz Centennial- 2 min
.5 oz Cascade + .5 oz Centennial + .5 oz Columbus- 7 days dry hop
Maybe US- 05 yeast.
What do you guys think? If anybody has experience with Belma hops, let me know if I should use it.
Looks great to me. You’ll hopefully get some good earth/dank/onion from the columbus, and great citrus/pine from the cent/cascade. The only thing I might suggest is some first wort hops. Have had great success with a .5-.75oz addition @ that interval. I usually do my CTZ then, then add magnum @ 60.
I actually agree with this. My prior comment was relating to your hops.[/quote]
I agree with your agree. You have 5 different base malts (Pale, Munich, 2Row, Maris Otter, Wheat). There’s no need to mix all those base malts. I’d use pale or 2row and munich. Some crystal and carapils is fine, but simplify the rest.
This is just my opinion, but I’d also simplify the hops. I was loving it until you threw Legacy and Chinook in there. Not to say it would be bad, but why not just Columbus, Centennial and Cascade? Seems odd to add Chinook at 2min and nowhere else.
Yeah, what they said. It’s fun to spice things up and see what kind of hop-cocktail you can come up with in IPAs and Pales, but until you know for sure what kind of flavor you’re aiming to inject it’s best to keep things simple so you can get familiar with the profile. As it stands right now (assuming you take everyone’s very good advice of simplifying the grains) you’re going to end up with a very citrusy almost grapefruit forward IPA. Granted all of this could be intentional so if it is just chalk me up as a condescending asshole. If not then this is just friendly advice
Ok I will accept the advice provided by removing the maris otter, wheat malt, chinnook and maybe the legacy. I definitely want this to be a very citrusy/piney ipa. i also lowered the crystal 20 to just 10 oz.
I think I’ll pitch US-05 yeast and ferment around 66F for three weeks.
[quote=“jonesbrewer”]Ok I will accept the advice provided by removing the maris otter, wheat malt, chinnook and maybe the legacy. I definitely want this to be a very citrusy/piney ipa. i also lowered the crystal 20 to just 10 oz.
I think I’ll pitch US-05 yeast and ferment around 66F for three weeks.[/quote]
You’re on the right path to citrus and piney, but I’d consider adding Simcoe for the piney. Citra will add an intense citrus flavor. Amarillo will also add orange like citrus flavors. But Cascade and Centennial are a good start.
If I can get Citra or Amarillo from my LHBS, would you recommend an oz at 10 min? 5 min?
And you don’t think Legacy hops belong in this recipe? I’ve never used them but I have a pound of leaf legacy.
Thanks dobe and all others who replied
I’ve never used Legacy, but what I just read sounds as though it may blend well with your other hops. So I take back my earlier statement about dropping it. It sounds like you have a good group of hops to blend. I’d still drop the Chinook and bitter with Columbus. Then maybe several additions during the last 20min. A blend of Centennial, Cascade, Legacy, and throw in some Simcoe if you want piney. I’d do several additions between 20min and flame out with the flame out being the largest addition. Then a nice big dry hop of the same hops, maybe adding columbus back in at this point as well.
Again, this is all just what I would do. I’d shoot for around 70 IBU.
60min Columbus - 30-40IBU or so
20min blend of Cascade, Centennial, Legacy
10min blend of Cascade, Centennial, Legacy
5min blend of Cascade, Centennial, Legacy
flame out blend of Cascade, Centennial, Legacy (twice as much as your 5min addition)
dry hop Cascade, Centennial, Legacy, Columbus 3-7days