i looked up the lot number of my yeast vial and found the manufacture date…but not how many cells they start with. Browsing the net I have not found anything conclusive…just 75-150 billion cells…help?
Think in a issue of byo they said whitelabs vial is 75/100 and wyeast smack pack are 150
I’m unable to find any substantive information on White Labs cell counts, but Wyeast is 100 billion cells per pack. In fact, it says so right on the package.
Looks like I’ll just make a 2 step starter for insurance.
The only thing I have found is this site:
http://www.brewersfriend.com/yeast-pitc ... alculator/It says that the pack/vial contains 100 billion when it’s made. Nothing posted there to support that, but I figure it’s close enough so I use that calculator.