I went to one of my wife’s client parties tonight and they gave me a gift I was not expecting at all. I could not believe the generosity of them. Here is a score of all the beer.
Nice score!
I’ve been wanting to try that Choc. Oak Aged Yeti.
The New World Tripel in that sam adams series is legit
Where the heck do you find someone that gives away that much craft brew?! That is not a cheap lot of beer. I gotta meet these people.
Yeah, some people just aren’t into craft beer
I dont live too far from you
whens a good time to stop by and assist you in sampling :cheers:
That’s a great gift; the kind of gift that keeps giving.
I have a friend who works at the local distributor…she has given me twelve packs of random beers before…all in the name of sampling, which is big in their business.
Nothing like this, though! 'Grats!
Wow! What line of business is your wife in that her client would have that kind of loot to give away?
Nice start to the Xmas Season. I usually do not attend my wife’s work parties. May have to think about that in the future.
I have to say I was pretty happy and surprised. The only beer I have tried before is the Meddler. This client gave my wife the deluxe brew kit last year and got me brewing, hence I get free brews like this.
That meddler is unbeatable, I f$%#ing love that SH&*! So, since you’ve already tried it…