Hello All,
A friend brewed this beer and I enjoyed it. I wanted to convert the recipe to extract since I do not have the equipment for all grain. Also this was for a 10 gallon batch and I want to make a 5 gallon extract batch. My brew kettle is an 8 gallon megapot.Thank You in advanced for your help.
This is the Original all grain 10 gallon Recipe:
15 lb 7.6 oz Pale Malt (2 Row) US (2.0 SRM)
1 lb 11.5 oz Oats, Flaked (1.0 SRM)
1 lb 7.1 oz Caramel/Crystal Malt - 60L (60.0 SRM)
1 lb 7.1 oz Chocolate Malt (350.0 SRM)
15.40 oz Roasted Barley (300.0 SRM)
13.70 oz Cara-Pils/Dextrine (2.0 SRM)
1.58 oz Chinook [13.00 %] - Boil 60.0 min
1.58 oz Glacier [5.60 %] - Boil 5.0 min
8 oz Cocoa Powder (Boil 0.0 mins)
2 Pkgs Safale American (DCL/Fermentis #US-05) [50.28 ml]
12 oz CocoaNibs (Secondary 7.0 days)
This is the extract 5 gallon conversion that I worked out. Please let me know if this looks right. I am still new to this whole thing. Do I just use all the grains in a mesh bag as flavoring grains?
7 lb 15.4 oz Pale Liquid Extract (8.0 SRM)
1 lb 9.6 oz Carafoam (2.0 SRM)
9.1 oz Caramel/Crystal Malt - 60L (60.0 SRM)
9.1 oz Chocolate Malt (350.0 SRM)
6.1 oz Roasted Barley (300.0 SRM)
11.50 oz Cara-Pils/Dextrine (2.0 SRM)
0.82 oz Chinook [13.00 %] - Boil 60.0 min
0.82 oz Glacier [5.60 %] - Boil 5.0 min
4 oz Cocoa Powder (Boil 0.0 mins)
1 Pkgs Safale American (DCL/Fermentis #US-05) [50.28 ml]
6 oz CocoaNibs (Secondary 7.0 days)