I found a great use for spent grains

Check this out, the deer that live on my property absolutely love it. I dumped it a while ago and they cleaned it down to the dirt. I’m brewing a partial mash tomorrow and again next week so they will be pretty happy.


Looks like you have a very peaceful piece of property there. Now if only I can convince my wife to move out to the country…city girls…

Wait is to feed the deer or to lure them in before…

Yep, the deer love spent grains. They disappear pretty fast, particularly during the winter. I’ll dump grains from a 10 gallon batch and it’ll be gone pretty quickly.

I got pictures of some pretty big boys. I was tempted but haven’t hunted in years and luring deer in with bait is not only unethical but illegal in most states. :frowning:

Yeah, how DARE you trick that poor dear before you end its life abruptly! :slight_smile:

I was not aware that was considered unethical or even illegal. What is the purpose behind that law?

Yeah, how DARE you trick that poor dear before you end its life abruptly! :slight_smile:

I was not aware that was considered unethical or even illegal. What is the purpose behind that law?[/quote]

I’m not sure what the purpose behind the law is. Maybe it was enforced when deer were more scarce. I know in Texas where feral pigs are a menace you are allowed to kill them year round day/night with bait. Here in Georgia deer are overpopulated so the hunting season is very long and you may take both sexes, but still it’s illegal to hunt at night. Baiting with grain is allowed but you can’t hunt within 200 yards of the bait.

I just know they’re going to be really happy this weekend…that Elevenses has a lot of very aromatic grain. Cool too because they will get an additional treat of toasted oats :slight_smile:

My wife grew up in Chicago. When I first took her to the property we now live on which is only 12 acres, she looked like a deer in the headlights and said…where does it end?

Almost 20 years later I could probably be convinced to sell it and move to something smaller. The city girl however won’t even hear about leaving. So you never know…

I leave my spent grains out for the wildlife but have to dump it where the dogs can’t get to it first.

We had a running joke in our house. If I dumped my grain out and only 0 to 1 squirrel came to eat I had good efficiency. 2 to 3 maybe check my grain mill setting. 4 or more big problems. :mrgreen:

I brew a lot and have tons of spent grains but I cannot seem to get the deer interested in them. Maybe my efficiency is too good.

That Elevenses had a lot of grain. I put it out there last night and it’s gone today. My Brother-in-law has a farm near Cooperstown NY. His property borders the Ommegang brewery (they actually use his field for a parking lot) and he tells me that another farmer gets all the spent grains from Ommegang and feeds them to his cattle.

First off, nice picture! I’ve never had too much luck feeding the wildlife with my spent grains. I live close to a large coulee that runs through town, and deer, pheasant, and turkeys roam through our half acre often. The wildlife seem to check out the pile, but pass it up. I usually load it up and dump it in the city lawn clipping dumpster.