How, or what, IPA to choose

I will tell you my gateway to IPA was Dogfish Head 60 minute IPA, 90 is excellent too, but is 9% so will be worlds away from a kolsch or a cream ale. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I used to hate IPA’s before I tried those.


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I guess I’m looking for an IPA I like.
A beer drinking neighbor suggested All Day IPA Session Ale.
I plan to pick some up today. Said it is low on hops or bitterness.
I like brew_cat’s idea of tweaking hops in my cream ale. Get to try things without straying too far from my comfort zone.

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I guess I’m strange, I liked bitter beer from the outset. Well, I like pretty much all beer :joy:
I have two good friends who started out liking only malty beers…and gradually I corrupted them to the dark side. Now they are certified hop hounds.

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Well there you go… get the cream ale basic’s down to yer taste… Then add hops at the last 5 minutes or less…
Then do another batch and add them at flame out (FO)… And another were the kettle has cooled to 170*F, put in the hops to steep and see what you end up with…
Perhaps you’ll be upping yer brewing and imbibing… looking for yer flavorite! :sunglasses:

Cue up the “relative bitterness” discussion. LOL I find All Day pretty hoppy and although not overly bitter, it’s there. That being said, I like it and they’ve sold a crap ton of it. Enjoy!

I second @loopie_beer 's suggestion of trying a Sierra Nevada Pale Ale.

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OK, it’s Founder’s All Day IPA Session Ale. Just what I was looking for in taste and hop/bitterness. The bitterness is there, but not pushing all other tastes aside.
Now, to find a kit or recipe to match it will be a challenge. I welcome your help here.

Spoke too soon. Since, I googled All Day kits and found “Homebrew” kits offering one in Founder’s All Day IPA… I should be good to go.

Thanks for helping guys.

Ive always enjoyed Founders offerings, good choice

At one time, I thought founders offered their brews in a kits from their web…

The All Day IPA is called a session beer but is 4.7 ABV. Most commercial beers are about 5 so drinking it “all day” might not work out :grin:

Could be, not sure. I know bells brewing Company has a homebrew shop inside the Kalamazoo brewpub.

Yes, Bells sells their brews in a kit…