I’m using a primary and a secondary.
Can beer sit too long in either one and what are the rusults?
I’m using a primary and a secondary.
Can beer sit too long in either one and what are the rusults?
If you let beer sit to long on the yeast bed you will get autolysis. However it takes a LONG time for this to occur. I have read that it can take as long as 18 months, so there is no worry. I have let beers in secondary for 9-10 months with no I’ll effects.
I do not like to let anything sit in a plastic primary for more than 4 weeks.
I have an IPA stranded in Primary because my bottling equipment is infected. Well, I think it is so I’ve bought all new plastic parts. Anyway, it’s been on the yeast cake for over 5 weeks. Took a sample and can’t taste anything off.