pH 7.9
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Est, ppm 231
Electrical Conductivity, mmho/cm 0.38
Cations / Anions, me/L 4.3 / 4.3
Sodium, Na 5
Potassium, K < 1
Calcium, Ca 53
Magnesium, Mg 17
Total Hardness, CaCO3 203
Nitrate, NO3-N < 0.1 (SAFE)
Sulfate, SO4-S 10
Chloride, Cl 15
Carbonate, CO3 < 1
Bicarbonate, HCO3 197
Total Alkalinity, CaCO3 161
Total Phosphorus, P 0.88
Total Iron, Fe 0.21
“<” - Not Detected / Below Detection Limit
Sometime later this week, I hope to brew the furious. Can I fix my water with additions?
I downloaded the “brunwater” program last night, although I only looked at it for 5 minutes, it seemed like it may take a while to understand it. Is there a simpler program?
Would I be better off buying reverse osmosis water and using that for the furious?
If so, what additions would I want to make to the RO water?
A bit of a learning curve but it is worth figuring it out. Pretty simple once you get your water in there and understand how things interact.
You doing extract or all-grain?
As a starting point for you I can give you the additions I did for when I made it last, our water is fairly similar. Will post it later when I’m at home and have my files.
[quote=“Flip”]A bit of a learning curve but it is worth figuring it out. Pretty simple once you get your water in there and understand how things interact.
You doing extract or all-grain?
As a starting point for you I can give you the additions I did for when I made it last, our water is fairly similar. Will post it later when I’m at home and have my files.[/quote]
Thanks. I am doing all grain and will be doing a 10 gallon batch, so I assume I would double your additions???
I’ll give it to you in grams/gallon. With water like yours (and mine) I’d really suggest learning Brun’ Water, pretty hard to get the mash pH right on lighter colored beers without at the very least knowing how much to dilute you’re tap water with RO.
So here is what I did last time I brewed the Furious Pro Kit:
Cut my tap water with 50% RO water.
I used the Pale Ale water profile which I think came from what Randy Mosher came up with, it has fairly high sulfate and SO4/Cl ratio to accent the hops (pretty sure that is what he’s doing).
From my water that meant 1.5 grams/gal Gypsum, .5 grams/gal Epsom, .4 grams/gal calcium chloride. My mash pH was 5.2 (also was what Bru’n Water calculated :cheers: ).
I re-looked at the calculation and next time I think I’d drop the RO water to 25%, eliminate the Epsom addition and bump the gypsum up a touch to 1.6 grams/gallon as that get the water closer to where it should be and gives a 5.4 ph in the mash (since if anything my mash pH measures .1 lower than calculated)
You can do what you want with this information but I’d suggest getting your water profile in to bru’n water and look at what these adjustments do for yourself. I was happy with the end product and drank it side by side with ‘real’ furious. Due to f’ing up my bittering addition (forgot 1 oz of the hops since I missed a packet) which I then added to the flameout addition, to compensate I did a 30 minute stand at flame out to get a some isomerization (thus bitterness) from the flame out hops. In the end the beer had the same hop character as Furious but was less aggressively bitter, actually preferred that as it made the beer less palate fatiguing. Since it was a less angry version of Furious I dubbed it “Miffed”.