Help with Keg CO2 pressure loss

Hey all, new brewer and kegger here:

So I bought the keg kit from the NB website, and I am doing the “set it and forget it method” to carb my beer. My keezer is set at about 36* and I am keeping the pressure at 11psi… Kegging the NB Cream Ale.

Twice now I have I had to go back and increase the pressure in the keg back up to 11, once it was at 7 and just now it was at 4… I did the bubble test yesterday and no leaks at any of the connections from the CO2 tank, regulator, anything. I can’t feel or hear any gas leaking out of anywhere from any connections or the lid of the keg… Any ideas on what is going on? Is this a normal thing to happen as the CO2 dissolves in the beer? Thanks!


Are you leaving the gas connected to the keg and turned on at 11 PSI all the time, or have you been disconnecting/ shuting off the gas.

If you are leaving it on, I would say faulty regulator.

If you are disconnecting/shutting off the gas that is your problem. The gas needs to remain connected at all times when carbing via the set it and forget it method.

I’m leaving it all connected. Just going in and checking to make sure everything is still the same and noticing pressure drops… I just increased the PSI to 30 for 2 minutes, because I read somewhere else that maybe the lid wasn’t set all the way… so we’ll see…if that doesn’t work I’ll be going to get a new regulator I guess.