Hefeweizen Batch

So the last couple of Hefeweizen I’ve had the the brewpub have been a little thin. So I’m going to make my own. 98% of the time everyone says wheat malt, pilsner malt and just let the yeast give it the flavor. So that’s the plan except that I would like to give it a little more mouthfeel.

6 lbs German Wheat Malt
4 lbs German Pilsner
2 lbs Flaked Oats
1 oz Hallertauer 60 min

I want to add Oats to give the beer a velvety texture. :stuck_out_tongue:
I’m also thinking about mashing (single infusion) at a higher temp say 156F to give more flavor.

This is my first wheat beer that I will be making. Is it a total bad idea to mash wheat at that high of temp? Will 2 lbs of Oats give me the texture I’m looking for?

Thanks in advance!


A higher mash temp will not give you more “flavor”. It will give you more unfermentable sugars and a higher FG.

2lbs of oats seem a little high. But after reading up on some of NB’s kits, they have 1.5lb in a breakfast stout. So it may work for you.

Having 8lb of no husk items and 4lbs of husks, you may have a slow run off. If you have not ordered things, add some rice hulls just in case.

Looks great!! I didn’t see any yeast specified though…

I have used 30% oats before, on a clone variation of Anchor Steam, it was delicious!! Creamy is an understatement. I prefer my Hefe’s to be almost lager-like, cold conditioned during winter months, and cloudy, estory during the summer months… but, like you stated in the intro, brew to your desires.

Cheers! :cheers:

Hey BW, I like your thought process on this.
I’m a fan of multi-grain brewing too.

JMO though, I feel 2 # flaked oats is too high.
I’d go :
5# Wheat
5# Pils
1# Oats

But, that’s the beauty of home brewing!
An educated brewer experimenting with techniques. Brew on.

One thing… please report back on your findings here, so we can learn too.

Thanks for all the great comments.

  1. I was planning on putting rice hulls into the mash. Thanks for the confirmation that it’s something that I should do! Is 1/2 lbs a good amount? I plan on washing and then rinsing the hulls so they don’t soak up my wort.

  2. I’m planning on using White Labs 300. Going to make a starter beforehand.

  3. As for the oats, I’ll dial it back a bit and go with 1 or 1.5 lbs (depending if my lhbs sells flaked oats by the 1/2 lbs).

Cheers! :cheers:

Rice hull may not be necessary. But it’s a good idea to have them available. Yes wash them. They can have a lot of dust on them. They are just shell, so they should not absorb much if any water. As for how much, I’ve never used them. Needed them a couple times, but never used them. :oops:

I think you will get the same effect if you use “quick oats” from the grocery store.

Just buy Quaker Oats. They are cheap, plentiful and ready to rock.