Grain Mill

I now have the where-with-all to now buy a mill, so I can start buying in bulk. I’m looking at several mills. The Monster Mill requires that I fabricate my own hopper. I do not have that kind of skill. What about the Barley Crusher? Price is not an issue for me. Quality is first and foremost.

Any advice? Thanks


NB sells hoppers and bases for the monster mills, all you have to do is screw them on. I’ve been thinking about upgrading from my barleycrusher myself.

i have the barley crusher and it works fine for my needs at the moment; the word on the street is that the monster mills are a superior product, especially when you start shoving high volumes through regularly.

the BC is a good start if you don’t obsess about upgrading or spending more money in the future.

I love my barley crusher, does a great job. 7 lb hopper works well, but not worth the $$ upgrading to the 15lb.

Don’t tell anyone I posted this on here but rebel brewer makes a pretty sweet mill if you have a lil bit extra money.

I am happy with my MaltMill. You can order it however you want it. I use a plastic water bottle as my hopper.

Anybody Familiar with the Grain Gobbler sold by ... ill_4_Inch

[quote=“paultuttle”]I now have the where-with-all to now buy a mill, so I can start buying in bulk. I’m looking at several mills. The Monster Mill requires that I fabricate my own hopper. I do not have that kind of skill. What about the Barley Crusher? Price is not an issue for me. Quality is first and foremost.

Any advice? Thanks


Huh?? Monster Mill offers an excellent hopper (and extension). Check their website!

I got a Monster and made my own hopper but after awhile I broke down and got their metal hopper. Very nice mill so far. Any mill is a good mill though, and the savings from buying in bulk will pay for the mill.

The Grain Gobbler must be fairly new. I’ve seen several places selling their own brand of mill, look around for a good price. Seems like Rebel had a pretty good price. I’d want a model with adjustable gap.

I’m very pleased with the Barley Crusher. I’ve gotten great efficiency and though I only do 5 gallon batches, 15 lbs of grain only takes me 5-7 minutes to crush.

My BC has served me well, but have also thought about making the change to a MM.

Thanks for all the feedback. I believe I’ve settled on the barley Crusher for now.


I just got my MM2 yesterday with hopper and base. For me, buying a grain mill was probably one of the hardest (brewing equipment) decisions. I don’t know why. Seems everyone is happy with the mill they have. Although I can’t review the MM2 since I haven’t used it yet, it gets great reviews all over the web. Up until now, I’ve been borrowing my coworker’s JSP MaltMill. It’s a great mill and does a wonderful job but I didn’t care for the hopper and didn’t feel like building one.

Good luck! ... _2310.html

I have the cereal killer. It was only $89 and free shipping. My hopper holds right at 7#. So on bigger beers, I just fill twice.

It has been good to me, and I couldn’t beat the price.

My friend tried to pre-order a Cereal Killer a couple months ago and after several weeks was told the quality wasn’t up to snuff so no CK would be forthcoming. I see they are trying again for the end of July, I wouldn’t hold my breath though.

I’ve had my MM2 for about 6 months now and love it. They sell a hopper so that shouldn’t be an issue.

I went ahead and ordered the Barley Crusher. It’s my first mill, so we’ll see how it goes.

Been using mine for over a year and I’ve got no complaints, easy to adjust and it does a good job crushing grain.

I read that the gap is factory set to .039. That sounds like a pretty good setting to me.

Well, I tried my new BC grain mill this morning. It is grinding the malt a lot finer than I’m used to seeing from any place I’ve ordered. I guess when I mash in, I’ll find out.

BTW, what’s the rubber O-ring around one of the rollers for?


[quote=“paultuttle”]Well, I tried my new BC grain mill this morning. It is grinding the malt a lot finer than I’m used to seeing from any place I’ve ordered. I guess when I mash in, I’ll find out.

BTW, what’s the rubber O-ring around one of the rollers for?

I was surprised at how agressive my MM crushed the first time I used it, and I had set it at .046 !
Haven’t tried to tighten it up any more yet, it gets me 80-85% consistently. Good enough for me.

I think the O-ring is there to make it look fancy by spinning both rollers when you turn the crank.