I’ve done several 2 gallon extracts and recently decided my Mr Beer LBK will do 2.5G just fine (with a blow off tube) anyway I purchased the ingredients for an AG Hefe (4.75# grains and .5oz hops). I just want to run my methodology by some pros and see if i’ll be OK…
Heat 2 gallons to 163° (for a 152° mash)
put my big @$$ bag in the pot, add grains/water and stir (make sure temp is correct)
put lid on and put in preheated (but cut off) oven
sit for 1 hr. (to stir or not to stir??? I’ve read both)
heat 2.5 gallons to 173° (total water at 4.5 G ----- accounting for 1G boil off and 1G absorbtion)
after 1 hr remove pot from oven, stir…it is at this point I was thinking about doing something i haven’t read much about…sparging the bag (mostly just read let it drain) but what if i get the bag out of the wort and siphon some of the sparge water over it for a bit? Wouldn’t I get better efficiency?
Anyway, in theory, I should have 3.5 gallons wort to bring to a boil for an hour.
P.S.- FWIW - i have a 5G and 3G pot, a standard un-modified igloo drink cooler, 3.5G bottling bucket and 3 LBK’s
Input is greatly appreciated.