Full boil

I just puschased a turkey fryer, made a wert chiller & will be steping up my system to a full boil. I was wondering if i need to make any changes to the partial boil recipe supplied with my kit. i thought i read in the past that i should reduce the amount of hops for a full boil.

                                                                            thanks,   brew for all and all for brew

There is an increase in hop utilization with a less concentrated wort. I would not worry about it.

i have been under the impression that you should reduce bittering hops by 10-15% i just upgraded to full boil myself, so i havent had a chance to try the finished product yet

The brewing calculators tell you that a partial boil recipe thrown into a full boil will be considerably different. I don’t know, maybe my tastes aren’t refined enough, but I haven’t noticed much of a difference. What are others’ thoughts?

Everything I read says that the change in hop utilization is so minimal that it isn’t noticable in a 5 gallon batch. I haven’t actually tasted the results, but my next 3 beers on deck are made full boils without any other changes.

i spoke with someone at nb, they said to reduce the hops by 25%. im going to make the first batch this weekend and from what i understand i should start with about 6.5 gal.including the malt extract, to yield 5. any tips would be appreciated.

batch #43 cream ale (only a few left) WAAA
batch #44 conditioning (one more week at least)
wine #15 german muller thurg. 2nd stage

20-40% depending on SG and whose IBU formula you like.

Hops in the packages can differ in alpha/beta more from package to package than it would account for changes in amount on a full boil system. Unless of course you are going to a few barrel full boil system.

i spoke with someone at nb, they said to reduce the hops by 25%. im going to make the first batch this weekend and from what i understand i should start with about 6.5 gal.including the malt extract, to yield 5. any tips would be appreciated.

That’s silly because their kits are designed for 5 gallon batches. Remember, not everyone at NB is a master brewer. He may have been feeding you a line of BS.

The extract kits are designed for a partial boil though.

it seems the hops are not a big issue. am i rite with 6.5 gal to start

That depends on what you’re brewing. In a porter, for example, you probably wouldn’t notice the difference, but in an IPA it could be significant.

That’ll get you in the ballpark. Just make sure you get an accurate measurement of how much you boil off, and you’ll know exactly how much to start with in the future.

Why deviate from the instructions if you’re still buying the kits? Move to a partial mash or something then… Just a thought.

thanks for the help. partial mash or all grain will be the next investment

Brew something you know. If its too bitter or hoppy, cut hops down 15%, try again. Save said hops and after a while you can dry hop a pale ale with them :slight_smile: