Frozen smack packs

UPS left in house but still i got home and both my smack packs were frozen…1 pretty frozen, other one was mostly frosty…

big deal, not?? NB said theyd be fine…just stick em in fridge and dont smack till they have thawed out

Thaw, smack, make a starter if they inflate. If they don’t, order new yeast. Up to you if you want to ask NB to replace them.

I had two vials frozen solid, waiting for me on the deck, when I got home from work today. NB to Missouri equals freezing, I guess. Too bad they can’t invent some kind of aparatus to keep them from freezing (Hothands-type contraption, mabbe?).

I called NB and they said if they inflate after “smacking” they r fine. If they dont inflate give em a call and they will send me replacements.