Got my hop bag stuck in my ball valve on my brew kettle. Had to stick my entire forearm into the damn thing to remove it. Oh we’ll, hope my arm was clean enough. Anyone ever had to do anything like that?
This is post boil? Hmm. If so, I might have brought it back to a boil.
Yeah, post boil. Praying for mercy from the beer gods on this one.
I’ve done something similar, and sanitized my entire arm before going fishing in the pot. Turned out OK, but I may have gotten lucky, too.
As mentioned before, I definitely would have at least sanitized my arm or brought it back to boil.
Did you get your armpit hair wet?
If so, it should be a GREAT beer!
rofl… that’s a new one. You didn’t have a long spoon or other metal tool? I would have blown into the valve way before sticking my entire arm into the wort, post boil.
FWIW, I take out the hop sacks once the boil is complete, pre chill. Don’t let them drip or squeeze them, lots of hop astringency if you do.
Good thing you didn’t get your finger stuck while you were fishing around down there.
Before I used bags, I had a big plug-up with whole hops. I used my arm, and it came out OK. Now I make sure the bags are inside the chiller before draining.
Invest in some brew gloves for xmas
I’d probably have used a racking cane, or just tipped the bucket and poured through a strainer, before putting my whole arm in 5-6 gallons of cooler wort…
Also, I always remove my hop spider & bag prior to chilling. Maybe also something to consider.