First Lager... Lagered in Keg

I have brewed my first lager and it is in the icebox at 33F(after primary of course). I have it in corny kegs and was wondering what I should do when it is done lagering. My diptubes go all the way to the bottom. Should I open the top and use a racking cane to transfer? Or push the sediment out the diptube and leave it where its at? Thanks in advance.

Yeah, just tap the sediment out when you serve the keg. There will probably be quite a bit of sediment in the first few glasses but after that it should be all good. Congrats on your first lager… what was it? :cheers:

I did 10 gal of pilsner and after I transferred that to kegs for lagering I put a doppelbock on my yeast cakes. Planning to make an eisbock with half of the doppelbock.