First lager attempt

I’m been extract brewing for about a year and a half. Just upgraded to full-boils with a propane burner outside. I would like to try a lager out while it is cold, but I am looking for suggestions. The fermometer in the basement says 60 right now. Can I get it down to primary temps with my swamp cooler? Would mid 50’s be alright? I’m planning on bottling and lagering in the fridge after a few weeks.

Also, I don’t have a specific style in mind, as I’m not sure how well it will go. Any suggestions on a good lager yeast, and maybe a SMaSH recipe? I’d like to do an octoberfest in Feb/March if the first batch goes well, but I have no problem starting simple.

Helles is a nice lager. Keep the yeast (2206) for you Bocks/O-fest.

What area do you live {update your profile :wink: } If you have a cooler, put the carboy/pail in that. Add some water and a couple of frozen soda bottles. The cooler will help keep the water cold from the room temp.

If you live up North where the temps should stay below 40 until March/April, you can wire a temp controller (see my signature line) to run a heater. Build a simple box from pink foam board and set it in the garage. The heater will keep the wort/beer from freezing.

I have a basement that is low 60s in summer and high 50s in winter, and either way I have no problem getting down to lager fermentation temps with a swamp cooler. Once fermentation is done, I lager in the keg, and set my keezer to just above freezing. This means that whatever else I have on tap at the time is kept colder than I prefer, but these are the sacrifices I make when lagering. :slight_smile:

You can always take advantage of the cold weather and lager outdoors, provided you’re careful it doesn’t freeze.

Being from MN I’d advice against lagering outside. Temp swings are drastic and it’s already below freezing all the time. Last year we did a lager in the basement when it was 55* down there. Turned out alright. Not sure how cold it gets in your basement but we waited until sometime around the end of january to make sure it was good and cold down there and pulled it off without a swamp cooler. I say give it a go.

How about a steam? It’s a versatile yeast and should work really well at your temps.