First Brew

Hey guys, I just finished my first brew day with my Northern Brewer 1 gallon starter kit. I had the American Wheat kit. I followed the instructions and started with 1.25 gallons of water as instructed. Everything went well, but I’m confused as to why I only ended up with a little over half a gallon of beer. Do you know why that would be?


This is called boil off. Numerous things can affect this such as humidity, weather, etc. But higher rates are usually caused by too vigorous of a boil. It only needs to be boiling and not leaping out of the kettle. If it hasn’t started fermenting you can top up with distilled water to a gallon.
And while you’re there, install the blow off tube if yo haven’t already. Try to keep it in a cool (63°-66°) spot. Another thing you might want to do is look into a 2gal bucket (sold by host). 1gal in 1gal fermenter =blowoff=loss of beer.

Great info. Thank you!

Will topping it off with water disturb the fermentation process? I’ve already added the yeast and had it sitting in my closet for about 4 hours now… I will definitely be getting a blowoff tube but I guess I will have to wait for my next brew and hope for the best for this one.

Go to your local supermarket, where they frost cakes, for two to three gallon buckets. Usually only cost $0.50 to a $1.00 and have a positive seal. all you have to do is drill a hole for the air lock grommet.

You can add the water now. Won’t harm it. And as Flags said, while you’re there stop by the bakery.

[quote=“Ckrasen”]Great info. Thank you!

Will topping it off with water disturb the fermentation process? I’ve already added the yeast and had it sitting in my closet for about 4 hours now… I will definitely be getting a blowoff tube but I guess I will have to wait for my next brew and hope for the best for this one.[/quote]

Topping off won’t disturb it. Not sure of the ID of the 1 gal., but most hardware stores will have tube that fits snug in the neck.

A 2’-3’ piece in a container of StarSan works great.

I don’t know why they sell a 1 gal fermenter for a 1 gal batch. Like Josh and flars said, 2 gal bucket will save you headaches and cleanup.

Thank you! You guys are awesome.