First off I want to say hello, and I just finished my first brew! :cheers: I picked up the NB kit with the Irish Red Ale. My OG was a little off 1.040 (suppose to be 1.044) but I think that will be okay. Secondly the recipe says 1-2 weeks in primary and 2-4 weeks in secondary, if I am not doing a secondary fermentation when should I take my FG? 3 weeks? 4? Thanks for all of the help!
Take an SG reading after two weeks. Take another three days later. If they are the same you have FG. The yeast will clean up naturally produced off flavors after the fermentation is completed. I don’t consider bottling until the beer has been in the primary for three weeks. By this time hydrometer samples are usually clear. There is no rush to bottle. Leaving the beer on the yeast cake does not have any detrimental effects.