First brew and all is well

Not your typical noob panic post. I got the Deluxe kit with Mad Brewer upgrade for Christmas along with the Caribou Slobber.
We brewed it on the 26th to the instructions ending with a temp corrected OG of 1.052. It took about 24 hours to kick off but fermented up to 70-71 degrees (~64 ambient) at high krausen about 24 hours after pitching. I put a fan on it and the next morning it had mostly fallen and cooled to near-ambient. It’s been at 64F since. I just checked the gravity and it’s at 1.012 and very tasty.

The general wisdom on this kit seems to be about 6 weeks to drinking, no secondary required. Would there be any appreciable difference between 2.5 weeks in primary/3.5 in bottle vs. 3.5 in primary/2.5 in bottle? Not that an extra week here or there would really kill me.

Great forum, btw. Not sure what you did to slay the trolls but good job.


edit Just re-read Inifinite_Day’s thread below and it sounds like additional bottle time is the way to go.

Welcome to the Forum enginir.

I’d go with 3 weeks primary with 4 weeks in the bottle for a very tasty beer.
You can always have a “sample” before then.

[quote=“wallybeer”]Welcome to the Forum enginir.

I’d go with 3 weeks primary with 4 weeks in the bottle for a very tasty beer.
You can always have a “sample” before then.
Wally’s right. That beer does age well and peaks at aroudn 4-6 months. The irony of it is that Slobber is one of the most popular brews, namely because they sell it with the starter kits and “noobs” can’t wait 6 months to drink their delicious rewards.

The beer is done fermenting (1.012 FG) but give it a few more days to let the yeast clean up. After that it won’t matter if you condition in the bottle or in the fermenter.
Store the bottles as warm as you can, preferably not over 85.

Anyone that continues to be a troll after a warning gets deleted and banned. It also helps greatly that 99% of the homebrewers that come here are great folks and just want to learn, exchange info and have fun brewing.

Sounds like you are off to a great start BTW. Now you can begin to drain any savings into brewing equipment :smiley:


Sorry, its a habit.

As for the troll and unfriendly people thing…that’s why I no longer go to Not the most friendly place.

Welcome, and congrats on the smooth brew session.