First All Grain Brew - Feedback

Getting set to brew my first AG brew - BIAB -

3 gallons

6.5 lbs pale 2 row malt (81%)
1 lb Munich (13%)
8 oz caramel/crystal (7%)

Mash 152 for 75 mins; mashout at 170 for 10

.5 oz Magnum - 60 mins
.75 Cascade - 20 mins
.5 Cascade - 10 mins
1.0 Cascade - 5 mins
1.0 Cascade - Dry hop

Looking for something along the lines of 21st Amendment Brew Free or Die IPA. I think it will have a grainy sweetness to it.

Hoping to be able to mash grain in 5 gallons of water. But, still working out those calculations.

Thoughts/feedback would be appreciated.

Thank you.

Having 8lbs. of grain your absortion would be about 1.75 gallons of water. So, if you mash with 5 gal. you’ll end up with about 3.25 gal. to start your boil. If you boil an hour that could bring you down to 2.25 gal. Not sure of your process but you might want to try a bath sparge. I would use 3 1\2 to 4 gal. to mash with, run that off, and then see how much water to add for my 2nd run to at least collect 4.25 to start the boil. There also will be a wort loss for trub and hop absortion. Hope this helps.

Wallybeer - Thanks for the feedback - exactly what I was looking for.