Got a batch of American Pale wheat that will be four weeks tomorrow. my intent was to bottle. My FG should have been b/t 1009 and 1012 according to the recipe. I am at 1018 and have been since Wed when I started checking. Should I go ahead and bottle and assume that’s just what I got??? Or can I attempt to bring it down somehow? Or better yet, SHOULD I attempt to?
Recipe? Yeast? Ferm temp?
Was a kit from Brewers Best. It’s what my LHBS sells. the yeast was BRY-97. I didn’t rack as I didn’t have an empty 5 so it has been in primary for 4 weeks now b/t 60-65.
Place the fermenter in a warmer spot (70°). Swirl it gently to rouse the yeast. Check it in a couple days. Extract batches usually finish quiet high.
Will do
Good input thus far. What was the OG of your beer? Did you rehydrate Or just pitch dry? My experience with that yeast is that it generally dries the beer out.
OG was 1058. Pitched dry. Recipe said not to rehydrate. Recipe seen here: ... 0Wheat.pdf[quote=“Junius”]OG was 1058. Pitched dry. Recipe said not to rehydrate. Recipe seen here: ... 0Wheat.pdf[/quote]How does it look color-wise? Is it as light as they say it should be? With LME if it settles to the bottom of the hot kettle it can caramelize, which results in darker color, and higher FG’s.
it looks dang near identical to their pic. You can see it here. It’s about 5 or 6 down on page.: put it on a heating pad to get temp up. I’m guessing the temp was just too low. I’ll check it out again on Sunday and see if it has dropped.
Flavor is very good just where it is I was just really hoping for the 6% ABV.
If it was an extract beer, that’s a pretty normal situation. Extract generally has a certain amount of unfermentability and unless you know what’s in the extract you don’t really know how unfermentable it will be. Not to mention that ANY prediction of FG in a recipe is no more than a wild guess and should be disregarded. I think it’s done fermenting. In the future, you can replace part of the extract with 1/2 lb. or so if sugar to increase fermentability. Or you can just ignore the FG prediction and assume it’s done when it’s done.
I’ll give it a few more days on the pad just to see what happens. been waiting four weeks. few more days cant hurt. Thanks for the in put guys.