I’ve got 5 gallons of Block Party Ale in my garage. It’s been in there 1 week and I’m not really seeing bubbles in the stopper. It’s been between 60-70 in there most of the time but we are about to get a cold spell and I could see it getting in the 50’s for the last week of fermentation. Would it be beneficial to keep it fermenting longer since the temps may get low, or is that not how that works?
At the minimum wrap it in some blankets to keep the temperature steady. Mid 60 is best for most ales.
I agree with @brew_cat. At this point in fermentation the yeast has likely taken care of the sugars. Now, the yeast is cleaning up byproducts of fermentation such as diacetyl, aldehydes, and sulfurs.
If your temps drop too low now the yeast will flocculate out, and skip cleaning up those byproducts. Although the first 72-96 hours is the most important for yeast temp control, you have to also be concerned of dropping temps towards the end so the yeast have time to clean up after their party.
I agree with the guys above but I might even consider bringing it inside at this point. I usually let my fermenter temp rise after about the 4th day or as krauesen starts to fall with ales. Until it gets to 68-70 degrees. Raising the temperature 8 degrees after the most active stage of fermentation, a diacetyl rest, is beneficial to the beer as @loopie_beer mentions above. Keeps the yeast active and lets them clean up after the party.
So I ended up keeping it fermenting for another week. I didn’t get a chance to bottle after week 2 so I kept it in for week 3. I bottled it Sunday and I can’t wait to see what it tastes like. This is my first 5 gallon batch.
Make sure you keep the bottles warm.
Really? I thought that once they were bottled it wouldn’t make a difference temp wise. They’re in my garage at 40 degrees
40°F would be a good temperature for lagering in the bottle, but not for the yeast to work on the priming sugar to carbonate your beer in a reasonable time.
The yeast needs to be active to consume the priming sugar and create carbonation. Above 70, closer to 80 is even better, for a couple weeks. Then after they’re carbed well you can lower the temp for cold storage if you want.
Never really liked the idea of lagering in a bottle. Seemed like doing things out of order. Maybe it’s just me. Lager in your primary or secondary vessel and then package. Buy another fermenter if you need to.
Dont tell me how to live my life.
A “suggestion” for the OP, not really meant to strafe passerbys..
Of course, the OP is brewing and talking about an ale, and may have no intention of ever lagering, in that case nevermind