Ferm. question for WH Honey Porter and Brickwarmer

Greetings - I know there is an ongoing debate on the virtues and preferences of primary vs. secondary, as well as how much time in each, but wanted to ask anyone who has brewed the White House Honey Porter and/or the Brickwarmer Holiday Ale recently to share your experience:

  • If you kept in primary only - for how long and what were the results?

  • If you racked to secondary, for how long and what were the results?

I brewed both about 8-9 days ago and they’re ready to either go in secondary or stay in primary.

Thanks and Cheers!

I did the Brickwarmer. Primary for 10 days, moved to keg for a week on CO2, tapped, and it’s the most delicious beer I’ve ever made.

Thanks Master Brewer from Ohio (I’m a former buckeye and OSU grad!). I hadn’t received any responses so I called NB in Mpls and they encouraged me to rack to secondary which I did. I tasted it during racking and it was incredible. I am planning to keg this week.For the keg, did you do the set and wait method (10-12psi for a week) or did you force carbonate? If the latter, what was your setting? But even tasting this beer pre-carbonation, I agree that it is very good. I plan to buy another kit before the end of the year.

Thanks again!

I tend to like most of my beers with low carbonation, so I set it at 7psi and forget it.