Starting listening to the podcast and I’m about 15 minutes into the episode 1 and I’m really enjoying it. I think I’ve found what I’m going to do on my day off tomorrow. Read the Experimental Brewing book. I really like how it’s different than the Brew Strong and Beersmith podcasts. Beersmith has a bunch of great info but can feel a little dry at times. Brew Strong also has great info but has too much off topic filler.
Just realized they have a new book. Homebrew All Stars
Hey, glad you like the podcast and book! Episode 18 comes out tomorrow and we’ve come a long way since the first episode. Don’t forget we usually do a Q&A segment so it you have any questions email them to
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Learned a simple tip in Episode 2 from Drew. I thought about the seams in the chest freezer when I first got it wondering if they were water tight. Knowing that moisture is an issue running at higher than designed temperature. I have a muffin fan and damp rid to already but great idea to silicone all the seams.
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