English Hops

I am planing to do more english style beers this year. And was looking into getting another variety of english hops.

I currently keep fuggle around at all times, and was thinking of also picking up east kent goldings.

What are your thoughts? Is this the right direction, or should I look at a different variety.

EKG is a great hop and as traditional as it gets. I’ve also had good luck with First Gold, and am experimenting with Northdown and Phoenix although I don’t have results on those yet.

Jamil sure does seem to love them. Most of his english recipes calls for the ekg.

Thanks for the info. I think I was heading in the right direction.

EKGs are great. I also like First Gold and Challenger.

I’ve been leaning into Bitters myself and appreciate the flavors of Willammette in a bitter or mild. I also bought but haven’t used Sonnett Goldings reading that they’re a product of EKG?? but not a bunch of information exists on that. Their aroma is mild and pleasing.

I keep williamette in stock as well. May have to do a bitter with them some time and see how it goes.

You might find some helpful info with a couple of Ken Lenard’s recipes at his personal site. Muddy, I hope this turns into a good thread along the way. I’m really digging bitters and look for great feedback.

I’ve had good results mixing goldings and bramling cross

yeah. I am liking them a lot as well lately. Not a beer I ever ordered or drank really prior to brewing my own.

looks like ken really likes mt. hood. I have about 12ozes sitting around that I need to use.

If you’re looking for something way out there, then you could look into Caliente. I recently brewed a single-hop batch with this and the flavor profile was very similar to Fuggles, but with some lemon and peach notes. Aroma-wise, it is a fruit-bomb with a fresh peach/plum aroma, so it would be out of style as a late or dry-hop addition for a lot of English beers. But I bet it would really nice as an addition in the 30-15 minute range for an English IPA or maybe even an ESB.

+1 to that.

Styrian Goldings are nice in a bitter too, though they’re not English. I like to throw a pile in at flameout for a nice floral aroma.

I’ll be in London next week and this thread is making me thirsty!

+1 to that.

Styrian Goldings are nice in a bitter too, though they’re not English. I like to throw a pile in at flameout for a nice floral aroma.

I’ll be in London next week and this thread is making me thirsty![/quote]

You can’t go wrong with EKG.
I believe styrian goldings were bred from fuggles.

Looks like ekg is the clear winner. I think I may pick up a pound when this years pellets come around.