I brewed the NB Emma’s Ale extract kit a few weeks back and kegged the beer after 2 weeks in the primary. I followed the directions in the kit for the most part (I didn’t use a secondary) and didn’t do anything out of the ordinary. OG was 1.052 and final gravity was 1.01. It’s been carbonating for a couple of weeks. After an initial 8psi setting at about 38 degrees (I was shooting for 2 c02 volumes) I upped it to 12psi since it didn’t appear to be carbbed after 1 week and tasted flat. It now has been carbonating for 2.5 weeks.
The problem is that the beer is now carbonated nicely, but still tastes flat or weak. There are no apparent off flavors, but the beer tastes watered down and has no body. Any ideas what could have caused this? Is there anything I can do to improve it at this stage or is it a loss?
Any advice or comments would be appreciated. Thanks.
[quote=“Matt”]I brewed the NB Emma’s Ale extract kit a few weeks back and kegged the beer after 2 weeks in the primary. I followed the directions in the kit for the most part (I didn’t use a secondary) and didn’t do anything out of the ordinary. OG was 1.052 and final gravity was 1.01. It’s been carbonating for a couple of weeks. After an initial 8psi setting at about 38 degrees (I was shooting for 2 c02 volumes) I upped it to 12psi since it didn’t appear to be carbbed after 1 week and tasted flat. It now has been carbonating for 2.5 weeks.
The problem is that the beer is now carbonated nicely, but still tastes flat or weak. There are no apparent off flavors, but the beer tastes watered down and has no body. Any ideas what could have caused this? Is there anything I can do to improve it at this stage or is it a loss?
Any advice or comments would be appreciated. Thanks.[/quote]
I’d say give it another few weeks and the judge again. One month grain to glass can be done and is done, but some beers benefit from additional aging. Drinking this beer two months after it was brewed certainly won’t hurt it.