Effects of dual yeast?

Hi… would like you boys o-pinion on what I have done.
I brewed a big Belgian Dark Strong. 11.1 % with SA t-58.

Fermentation seemed to be stalling after about 3 weeks. So I took a gravity. It was 1.054. So… og was 1.101 so it was maybe a little over half done?

Was preparing to add the invert sugar, when I realized I had a fresh cake of French Saison yeast 3411 just off a racking. That yeast is notorious for chewing thru anything… So I figured it might contribute some good belgian character and re-start things. So I racked it onto that, added the sugar and spices and it has been chugging along slowly for 3 more weeks.

What say you this dual yeast usage will do? A combo flavor? will the 3411 dominate?

This will make beer. Many people do just what you’ve done. You’ll get some character from the second yeast and some from the first. I hope it gets your beer down to the FG you want.

Just measured it. I’m at 1.024. Tastes very sweet. Want to get it lower.

Don’t know about others, but I quit using T-58 because it wouldn’t finish low enough for me. My cure was I started using WY1388 with a pint starter. No problems now mate! I love 3711 and 3522 are my favorites, that combo you have should taste really good. You might age it for a year, just me.