Dry hop?

How long do you dry hop. How much hops do you add ? How long is too long ?

The amount is totally up to you. It’s a matter of how much of whichever hop’s aroma and flavor you’re looking for. As far as “how long?” goes there’re a couple of different camps on that one. You should shoot for at least 3 days, but can go 5 without anyone getting too upset. After that people start to argue that vegetal flavors and aromas are imparted. There are, however, plenty of people who dry hope for up to two weeks and say there are no ill effects (I personally haven’t tried this extended period, but have had great success with 5 days).


Ask a dozen brewers this question and you’ll get 2 dozen answers :slight_smile:

I dry hop at 65-68F starting at about 7 days after the start of fermentation (for an ale). For a 5 gallon batch I use 2-4 ounces of hops for an APA, 3-6 ounces for an IPA and 8+ ounces (staggered over a few additions) for an IIPA. Length of time for me is about a week by default, since I let the majority of my ales go for 2 weeks in primary.

For lagers, I will dry-hop in conjunction with a D-rest, so I raise the temp to the mid 60’s then dry hop for 5 days or so. I lager in the bottle, so at that point I bottle, let them carb for about 3 weeks, then move to the fridge for lagering.

Ask a dozen brewers this question and you’ll get 2 dozen answers :slight_smile:

I dry hop at 65-68F starting at about 7 days after the start of fermentation (for an ale). For a 5 gallon batch I use 2-4 ounces of hops for an APA, 3-6 ounces for an IPA and 8+ ounces (staggered over a few additions) for an IIPA. Length of time for me is about a week by default, since I let the majority of my ales go for 2 weeks in primary.

For lagers, I will dry-hop in conjunction with a D-rest, so I raise the temp to the mid 60’s then dry hop for 5 days or so. I lager in the bottle, so at that point I bottle, let them carb for about 3 weeks, then move to the fridge for lagering.

Don’t want to hijack the thread, but i’m wondering how you guys dryhop with several ounces & get the beer to transfer? Do you use a weighted bag or just dump them in? I had a hell of a time getting my last batch in the bottling bucket with only 2 oz. of hops added to secondary. Tried a nylon over end of hose, but probably left a six pack in the carboy with all the crud floating around. Any good tricks appreciated!

Have you tried cold crashing?

Cold crashing is how I do it. I just tried to DH with 5 oz in a few weighted bags, but I didn’t have the patience to squeeze everything in. You will loose some vol. to the hops. I just bottled an Imp. CDA last night, and JUST got 24 22oz bombers filled. I was suprised considering my post-boil vol. was ~5.15-5.25 gals. Between racking to secondary, and the dry hops, there was some loss. But by cold crashing, all that junk settles to the bottom.

Have you tried cold crashing?[/quote]

Will enough yeast survive a cold crash for those that bottle? I never cold crashed when I bottled.

As far as the OP question on dry hops. I usually go for 10-17 days on my IPA brews. I add 75% for the first 10 days and then add the second half for 3-4 days before racking. I tend to use about 4-6 oz per 5.5 gallons when dry hopping an IPA. I used 8 oz of dry hops for my last IIPA and it is fantastic.

Have you tried cold crashing?[quote][/quote]

Yes, i did coldcrash & it had alot settled on the bottom but as soon as my siphon tube got close, transfer slowed way down. Must have stirred it up some, then i tilted the carboy(oops!) & it was all over but the cryin’! Guess i should use a bag & try not to move it. Thanks for replys! :oops:

I did my first dry hop last week. Bottled on Saturday.

I had every intention to cold crash for a couple days but forgot to move the bucket to the basement.

As soon as I openned the cover, I knew I’d be leaving a bunch behind.

I think I will use a hop bag next time.