Confused about using gypsum or not. I use well water to do my brewing and have not had any taste issues. I have been brewing for a couple years doing mostly amber and pale ales. Do I need gypsum for IPA’s or lagers, etc.? Our well water is awesome in taste and clarity. The only issue I know of is what they call “clear iron”. But you can’t see or taste it. What exactly is gypsum used for anyway? Thanks!!
Gypsum is used to add calcium and sulfates to your brewing water. If you brew pale ales and are happy with them brew on. If you want to adjust the water for PAs or IPAs then gypsum should be part of your arsenal.
I brew with my well water also. I tend to use gypsum to adjust most beers but I use it most for IPAs where I want a high sulfate brewing water to make the hops shine.
While I agree that increasing the sulfate content of water for brewing hoppy styles is desirable, I caution against adding a lot unless you know what your tap water mineral content is. Overdosing brewing water is the path to alka-seltzer beer. Find out what is in your water.
Regarding the iron, if its at a high enough level to stain plumbing or for you to taste, its probably unsuited for brewing. Clear water iron just means it hasn’t been oxidized from a soluble to insoluble state. Aerating the tap water be high-pouring from bucket to bucket should convert the clear water iron to insoluble iron and you might see a rusty deposit when the water is left in the bucket for a day.
Martin of course is spot on. I should have mentioned that I sent a water sample off to Ward Labs for analysis, then purchased Brunwater to calculate my water additions.