I’m soooo lost… ?? Sneezles61

Once we settle down a bit on all the IPA variants, we need to circle back around and make sure they all have black variants. …and would it be BNEIPA or NEBIPA?


I agree. Not sure what the “r” is. And what is the extra “I”?

The R is for the rye and the extra I is for the double IPA. LOL Just ridiculousness…

:joy: got it. If it has rye the “r” is needed. But I do think it’s a double and not an imperial.

Maybe it should be NERIIPA or INERIPA for the imperial. Someone please check the guidelines. OK back to the game

Or perhaps another brew… Sneezles61

Oh and I do agree with @jmck, there will need to be a black, brown, and red version. I think it’s really going to be difficult to hit the DNERIPA BRUTE version.


Not sure if I’ve laughed harder at another thread yet but this one is entertaining me for sure! :joy:

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Oh I forgot about the NER Brute Pastry Magenta IPA.


BADNERIPA because you should _b_arrel _a_ge it.

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