I made the dead ringer kit awhile back and it turned out awesome. I liked it enough to make it again. Since i first made it, i have moved towards using liquid yeast as that seems to be the best option. Well, i used the liquid yeast and this batch didn’t turn out at all like the first. This seems to be more of a pale ale then the one i had the first time. Could just changing the yeast to liquid have that much of an effect?
I think it would be more process related, in most cases, than the yeast, if they were both deemed suitable for the clone recipe. Pitch rates, timing of additions, carbonation level, and conditioning time/temperature with would play a part in the different tastes. Did you achieve the same OG and FG using the dry yeast and the liquid yeast?
Which yeasts did you use for the two Dead Ringers.
First time i used US05 and this time i used WY1056. Both times i made a yeast starter around 1000ml. What is strange is that the first one i made was my first ever homebrew. I learned a lot and made some mistakes like letting the primary fermintation get too hot ect. I thought the second batch would be even better, but it didn’t even compare to the first. I am not sure were i went wrong here.