Having brewed the Dead Ringer IPA kit twice now, I’m considering a third run at it with a few modifications (experimentation is a wonderful thing). Curious if anyone has tried something similar, and what advice you’d have for these changes.
Move the 20 minute 1oz. Centennial addition to FWH. My understanding is that while this actually increases the IBU, a FWH addition has a similar effect in perceived bitterness to a 20 minute addition, and has a more complex hop flavor. Is this what others have experienced?
Move either 3.15lb or 6.00lb of the LME to a late extract addition with 15 minute boil time. As best I can tell, some people prefer to do late extract additions where possible to reduce the “twang” of the extract. Having brewed a Smashing Pumpkin ale which had a late addition like this, there was definitely a better overall taste to the malt. I’m looking to duplicate this (or rather, remove what I perceive as a twang in the taste that other recipes without late malt additions seem to also have for me). For the sake of convenience (it comes measured this way), I had intended to either boil 3.15lb for 60 minutes and add 6.00lb at the 15 minute mark, or boil 6.00lb for 60 minutes and add 3.15lb at the 15 minute mark. Any suggestions about which way would be best? My reading seems to suggest using less of the malt up front, but I thought I’d confirm.
So basically, I’d do my grain steeping as usual for 30 minutes, pull the grain bag, mix in the 3.15lb of LME and 1oz. Centennial, let it sit for about 10 minutes, and then turn the heat on to bring it to a boil, proceeding with the rest of the hop schedule, and adding the rest of the extract after 45 minutes at a boil.