Just bought a bottle/carboy cleaner and found out it’s too large to attache to my sink. No hose and there’s no way I can take out the washer (the Mrs. had a huge issue with it). Any solutions?
The obvious solution is you get yourself a new old lady.
Could you make one of these work?-
Of all the brewing crap I’ve accumulated, my double blaster is the only thing I use every single day.
Edit- to fix link
Didn’t even think about adapters! I’ll head to our local DIY store tomorrow to sniff around for something to this effect. If not, Amazon is always there. Thanks!
[quote=“Hoppenheimer”]Didn’t even think about adapters! I’ll head to our local DIY store tomorrow to sniff around for something to this effect.[/quote]Before you go, pull the aerator/screen off the faucet and take it with you - there are so many different configurations on faucets these days that you’ll want to have it with you to match up.
That generally entails getting a new house too. Or renting an apartment, in which case the landlord wouldn’t want you messing up the sink either. I’m speaking from experience here.
Home depot has those adapters too.