Cracked caps on StarSan bottle

Howdy all,

So, awhile back I was screwing the cap on my StarSan bottle, and the cap cracked along the top. Then, a few weeks later, I was screwing on the other cap and the same thing happened. Heh. As a result, the caps don’t create a full seal, and until recently I never thought to use saran wrap to fix this.

I’m wondering: do I need to worry about evaporation having made the StarSan more acidic?

Same problem here. I’ve been using tin foil. One cap splitting is no problem. But now with 2 split caps, it’s tough to use that measuring device molded into the one side. I can make it work, but man, it’s a pain in the a$$. I may have to start searching my house for a cap that fits.

EDIT: I have no answer to your question. Just chiming in since the second cap split on my bottle last night :x

lol, yeah, it’s not exactly comfortable keeping a thumb on the one cap while I try to squeeze the bottle with both hands :wink: . I suppose I should just use my small scale to measure an ounce…heh.

And, I just realized I posted this in the wrong forum…d’oh!

I’ve had this happen to me as well. Duck tape does a pretty good job in sealing the crack and keeping your cap together.

Thought I remembered reading where someone contacted 5Star and the sent some new caps. Mine are broken also, have been for a couple years.

[quote=“ickyfoot”]I suppose I should just use my small scale to measure an ounce…heh.[/quote]StarSan weighs more than water, so if you want to use the scale you need to multiply by its specific gravity (1.326).

I always save any un broken caps from my star san bottles. I think I have 2 extra right now. It also helps to be careful about tightening them down to far.

I talked to the folks at Five Star (makers of StarSan) at the NHC last year, and they said they know about the problem and as of June 2012, they are using sturdier caps. She also told me that if you email them that your cap is broken, they will ship you a new one for free.

That said, I’ve had one of mine uncovered for a few months, and I haven’t noticed any problem. I use pH strips to check whenever I mix up solution.

I too have broken mine in the past and learned. I have a couple laying around now that I am more careful. I hate the fact that the gasket seal always sticks to the bottle instead of staying with the cap when removed.


I also have broken caps BOO!

You can use any plastic cap that will fit - I replaced mine with caps off of salad dressing bottles.

Great idea Shade!! Thanks!

I have a 2 year old 32 oz bottle that I have been refilling from a gallon jug and have not had a cracked cap.

[quote=“Shadetree”]You can use any plastic cap that will fit - I replaced mine with caps off of salad dressing bottles.[/quote]I used the caps from my Stihl 2-cycle oil containers. They are identical.

I broke one just yesterday and had some corks left over in my “bin of parts”, shoved one in and it fit perfectly! So, now I have a corked container of StarSan.

I’ve heard the White Labs yeast vial lids and/or 2-Liter pop bottle caps also work on the starsan bottle.


Amazing how many others have had this problem! Glad to hear the issue is being addressed by the manufacturer.

Agreed about the gasket coming off!

So, when it says 1 ounce/5 gallons, that doesn’t mean 1 ounce of fluid of StarSan’s density?

[quote=“ickyfoot”]Amazing how many others have had this problem! Glad to hear the issue is being addressed by the manufacturer.

Agreed about the gasket coming off!

So, when it says 1 ounce/5 gallons, that doesn’t mean 1 ounce of fluid of StarSan’s density?[/quote]

Yes, it means 1 fluid ounce of starsan per 5 gallons of water.

OK, then wouldn’t adjusting for its gravity be unnecessary?