Hi all,
So this has been on my mind lately and want some input. I have been using #9 synthetic corks for most of the wine that I have made recently, but I have some meads, and bigger wines that I am going to be bottling soon. I guess my question is Natural corks (of any type) allow more air to be exchanged with the wine, thus allowing it to age. Is this same process happening with synthetic corks? Does enough air, to age a wine getting in. I also worry about cork taint, crumbling corks, not haveing the right humidity with natural corks. I would hate to see a great OB mead not reap the benfits of bottling aging as well.
Thanks For your help
The wines will age regardless of which type of cork you use. Smaller corks allow more (read: too much) oxygen exchange for wines you’ll want to keep a year or longer. As I understand it, synthetic corks aren’t meant to exchange oxygen, but natural corks will. Even without oxygen exchange, the wines will age.
Thank you, I would hate to see some great meads not age as expected with synthetic corks.
Yep, you should have no issues with aging using the synthetic corks.