Cooking with Hops

Is anyone aware of any resources regarding cooking with hops. Or, does anyone have any proven recipes that you are willing to share?

Boil hops in malt liquid for one hour, reduce heat and add some more hops. Wait five minutes then shut off heat, add more hops. Allow to cool then add some more hops. Wait about ten to fifteen days. Hop Stew!

Interesting idea. Perhaps ground and added to a rub for chicken or pork… :?:

A dude in one of my clubs brought homemade truffles with some leftover 5%AA hop. He wasn’t sure on the varietal and I’m not sure on amounts, but I would say to start small!

When it comes to beer and beer ingredianta and food, Sean Paxton is THE best!

I Googled 'ingredianta.’

Nothing :frowning:

[quote=“Steppedonapoptop”]I Googled 'ingredianta.’

Nothing :frowning: [/quote]

DOH! “ingredients”…damn, it’s hard to type accurately on an iPad!

I ‘figgered.’ Just couldn’t resist.

Btw, that is a pretty cool link; thanks.

[quote=“Steppedonapoptop”]I ‘figgered.’ Just couldn’t resist.

Btw, that is a pretty cool link; thanks.[/quote]

If you ever have a chance to try Sean’s food, don’t miss it. He does the banquets for NHC and they’re incredible.

Awesome site? Denny comes through once again. Thanks!

Here’s an interesting article I came across recently: … 91311.html

Good luck. I’ve tried a few things, but the bitterness is just too much for me when the hops are used directly as an ingredient. IMO - it’s better to use your hops to brew an IPA, then cook with said IPA. That’s a win-win.