COnverting amount sugar into gravety?

so my hydromter reading is 39 g sugar /literhow dose this convert to specific gravety

Is that the only scale on the hydro?

that and % alcohol

To convert % alcohol, divide the number by .133 and then add the result to where the first x is 0if you only get a two-digit result from the division. For instance, the OG is 8%, divide by .133 to get 60.1, so the OG is ~1.060.

now that helps in calculating but that means my gravity went down by 0.012, should`t it go up?

During fermentation gravity will decrease as the yeast consume thesugar and converts it to alcohol.

[quote=“Fraggel”]now that helps in calculating but that means my gravity went down by 0.012, should`t it go up?[/quote]The % alcohol scale is measuring the potential alcohol, not the actual alcohol content, so you use it just like the gravity scale - subtract the final reading from the initial (if you got 8% to start and 2% at bottling time, then the ABV is 6%).