Colorado brews

Out in CO again visiting family and working on a addition. One gets thirsty. Anyone want to suggest some good CO beer to try?

Where are you in Colorado?


hmm, i don’t know too many of the really small places out there, but I’m sure a Ratebeer/Ratebeer Places, or Beeradvocate search would get you some good coveted stuff.

Most of the ‘big craft’ from CO that I would want, I can get on the east coast (Oskar, Great Divide, Avery, Left Hand, New Belgium). Would highly recommend those (esp. Avery) if you haven’t had, have also heard good things about Ska. And don’t miss Crooked Stave if you can find it.

You know you can get Pliny and others by Russian River, and Lost Abbey in CO right?

I’ve had a lot of those. There are two breweries in town here. Bonfire and 7 Hermits which are in walking distance. Also a well stocked package store. Just wondering what others favor.

2nd Avery and left hand. Odell is consistently good as well.

Jagged Mountain in Denver is awesome. I’ve never been there but know the brewer (Wayne Burns) from when he brewed at Bo’s in Pontiac, Kuhnhenn’s in Warren and Bell’s in Kalamazoo. He makes excellent HUGE beers.

Had an Odell st lupulin and GD Colette yesterday. Those two breweries never disipoint. I’m stuck up here with no car so I’m limited to what is in the store. They have a limited but decent selection. Any one try upslope?

You might consider checking out Dry Dock Brewery in Aurora…

Had a Ska modus hoperendum, very good, I recommended it. Also had Avery IPA.

Someone gave me a six of tommyknocker saisson. Not my favorite but drinkable. The taste is kind of sweet. Not as yeasty as I like. But that’s what I like about saissons. They are all different. People who tell me they don’t Like this or that style. I tell them with craft brews you have to try different ones.

Today I’m trying an old chub. I usually only drink scotch ales sitting by my wood stove during cold weather. Its good, definatly not a session beer. Going to try to brew something like this.

Yesterday I had a SKA hop abomination . It was good,made me think Lagunitas. Not that there is anything wrong with that, I love lagunitas IPA. It’s been discussed on a different thread but a lot of IPAs taste similar. I think it is by design.

It sucks you have no wheels. There’s micros in Breckenridge, Aspen, Vail, and Grand Junction probably more. Didn’t know Tommy Knocker made a saison. Jackwacker Wheat used to be good. Eagle huh? Sorry man, no help.

Sorry about that . Hop abomination was dry dock brewery not ska. Didn’t try anything else today, work got in the way. Going to head out tomorrow and see if I can find something else.

Well I’ll be getting back to my home brew this weekend. I brewed like mad before I left so I have 20gals to bottle and keg. I didn’t get to try as many CO brews as I would have liked but had a few. My favorites this week. Great Divide saison, Odell St Lupin for a session IPA, and SKA Modus Hoperendi for a double IPA. I guess the SKA isn’t actually a double 6.8 but it tastes like one.

Just an update. Before I left my son in law took me to a homebrew store in Gypsum, Co. Little shop with a tasting bar, five stools twice as many taps. They feature CO beers amongst others. Nice place to try different CO beers at $3 a pint. It’s near the Eagle county airport. Another interesting feature was they built a walk in kegerator out of a closet and a wall unit AC.