Citra by the pound, limited time

can be found here: ... -customer/

Just a heads up for those that need more or havent got any yet.

Citra out. But holy hell, CTZ for $10/lb with $5 flat shipping? Sweet, thanks for the heads up.

[quote=“spykeratchet”]Citra out. But holy hell, CTZ for $10/lb with $5 flat shipping? Sweet, thanks for the heads up.[/quote]Make sure it’s 2012 crop before buying.

$37.40 for a LB of Simcoe? I’m sorry, but that seems like homebrewer price-gouging. I’ve seen them for LESS than half that on other sites.

Niko sells to both homebrewers and pros - he’s one of my sources for bulk buys and his prices are usually really competitive. $37 for Simcoe does seem high, though.

correction: hop-seller price gouging. Anti-nikko at the moment.

That is price gouging. I realize it’s damn hard to find, but I was able to score a lb from hopsdirect the day they went on sale. I paid $17.25