Hi All,
Just got a sack of hulled barley from Whole Foods, they did not have flaked. I was wondering if I could substitute hulled for flaked? With enough pre-studying here and there, might I have to pre-gelatinize the hulled? If so, can anyone provide a quick tutorial on that? Or would it simply mean to pre-cook the barley prior to adding it to the mash?
I can only make an educated guess, but I would think you’d need to cook it. You could do an experiment: cook a small amount (I think 160F would work), than do a mini-mash with a little two-row and check the gravity of the wort. Next, use the same amount in a straight mash and check the difference. If the first batch produces a lot more sugar than the second, you’ll know it needs to be cooked. If not, not.