I recently brewed the Le petit orange extract kit. 1 weeks primary fermentor, 1 weeks secondary fermentor and two weeks in the bottle. The bottle conditioning was with 16 oz of water with 5/8 C of priming sugar.
Upon opening a couple of bottles the batch came out pretty flat with just a few bubbles. The flat beer is REALLY tasty, but FLAT.
Can I remix priming a priming solution add some type of yeast and rebottle?
This was only my second batch. First batch was American Wheat that was terrific. Please advise the newbie.
I do this every batch I bottle. After 1 week or so I flip them for a second to wake up the yeasts then let them sit another week. No problems.
Edited to clarify that I do not let the bottles sit for a week upside down.[/quote]
I did this with a batch I bottled last month. However, I left them upside down for a week. Now instead of a cooperative yeast sediment on the bottom of the bottle, I have a ring around the neck. Makes it a little more difficult to clean the bottles after pouring. Oh well, learned something new
Don’t add more priming sugar, could end up with bombs. You can add a small amount of dry yeast to each bottle,
but I agree with rousing the yeast in the bottles and warming them up first.
It’s not necessary to leave them in that position. I just pick up the case and tilt it like doing a curl with a weight. No need to leave them upside down.
I had this happen and I got some yeast for .60 cents a packet, I think it was champagne yeast…cracked open every bottle and put a little in each and recapped. They all carbed up after that.