I have a blackberry melomel that had an OG of 1.111, and it was pitched with three packages of 71B-1122 and two packages of D47 - plus the yeast nutrient/energizer regiment recommended by our host site.
After a couple of months of so, it seemed to stop at 1.040. It was a little sweet yet, but at that point that I racked it into a secondary with 6# of the Vinters Harvest blackberry puree (along with another package of D47 & 71B-1122, including one dose each of: pectic enzyme, yeast energizer & yeast nutrient).
I took a sample today (it’s been five months now, total), and the FG is 1.000. :shock:
It tastes good – not sweet like it was before, but it’s not dry and does has a nice blackberry flavor. Well, that and a subtle-ish alcohol punch. :twisted:
But how do I calculate the ABV? I’m assuming the fruit brought something to the party, but how much?