I was bottling off a bunch of my kegs last night, and I noticed a significant amount of bubbles in the lines when I was dispensing into bottles.
Is this as simple as my line not being totally closed and needing a hose clamp, or is it from somewhere inside the keg? I’m really hoping I didn’t infuse a ton of oxygen into these beers as I’m planning on aging them.
[quote=“dobe12”]Are you talking about a lot of little bubbles or a small pocket of air/CO2?
If little bubbles, I’d agree with Denny.
If it’s a pocket of air/CO2, you can crank up the PSI and give the tap a quick pull. This should push it out.[/quote]
lot of little bubbles. It could be overcarbonation. I typically blast/quick force carb. I don’t mind it slightly overcarbonated, as I ultimately seem to lose .5-1 volume when bottling. I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t inadvertently oxidizing.