Brightening a dreary day

Rainy and chilly the other day…perfect for listening to CCR and brewing AG Black Widow Robust Porter (Jamil Zainasheff recipe). ... d1b6c3.mp4

Looks awesome! Hope it turns out well.

I need to get an outdoor burner. My house stinks for a couple days after a brew…

I swear the best wings come from cold dreary days.

Especially if they are English.

What perfect day for brewing . . . . The weather and the boil was so in time with the music. I bet that will be a special beer.

What perfect day for brewing . . . . The weather and the boil was so in time with the music. I bet that will be a special beer.

Cool and windy today so we brewed in the garage. Glad we did, the rain came quick with some downpours. Tis the season.