Rainy and chilly the other day…perfect for listening to CCR and brewing AG Black Widow Robust Porter (Jamil Zainasheff recipe).
http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v220/ ... d1b6c3.mp4Looks awesome! Hope it turns out well.
I need to get an outdoor burner. My house stinks for a couple days after a brew…
I swear the best wings come from cold dreary days.
Especially if they are English.
What perfect day for brewing . . . . The weather and the boil was so in time with the music. I bet that will be a special beer.
What perfect day for brewing . . . . The weather and the boil was so in time with the music. I bet that will be a special beer.
Cool and windy today so we brewed in the garage. Glad we did, the rain came quick with some downpours. Tis the season.