Brewing today I got a ratio Question

I am brewing today and I have read quite a bit about grain ratio, shule it be 1.33/lb or 1.75/lb.

I am looking for a better efficiency, last brew was low and I had the ratio at 1/25/lb so I think that will be the first thing I adjust. I use Denny’s cooler system except I have a 32qt cooler vs 48. I have roughly 11 lbs of grain.

Any suggestions would be great, also I was checking efficiency after the boil should I check as it comes out of the cooler first running second and than combined. Just curious I read John Palmers book but had to return to library so I can not refrece it.

You can go to 2qt/lb. A thinner mash generally converts more completely which will help your efficiency.

For 11lb grain you’d use 22qt=5.5gal, you’ll drain off about 4gal of wort, then sparge with 2.5-3gal to get a preboil volume of 6.5-7gal. That’ll boil down to 5.5-6gal, you’ll get a good 5-5.5gal of finished wort.

What was your efficiency on the last brew?
I would look elsewhere for increasing mash efficiency. Try a finer milling of the grain. Get some pH strips to check your mash.

[quote=“TG”]What was your efficiency on the last brew?
I would look elsewhere for increasing mash efficiency. Try a finer milling of the grain. Get some pH strips to check your mash.[/quote]

I agree with all of these. Although a thinner ratio might increase your efficiency a bit, the things listed above are the biggest factors…especially the crush.

Ok I went with a 1.79/lb grist which had me using about 4.9 gal of strike and for simplicity reasons I rounded up to five, it is saying .95 gal for a Mash out whic with absorbstion and mash tun loss I should get 3.5 gal per run, I read that it was important to have equal running not sure why but I accept that as fact.

If any of this sounds way off let me know, I just mashed in, had my wife run to HB store for ph paper and iodine…

[quote=“Jon462”]Ok I went with a 1.79/lb grist which had me using about 4.9 gal of strike and for simplicity reasons I rounded up to five, it is saying .95 gal for a Mash out whic with absorbstion and mash tun loss I should get 3.5 gal per run, I read that it was important to have equal running not sure why but I accept that as fact.

If any of this sounds way off let me know, I just mashed in, had my wife run to HB store for ph paper and iodine…[/quote]

I take the blame for popularizing the equal runnings thing. Since I first wrote about it, I’ve found that it’s not nearly as important as I once thought. For the small amount you added to equalize runnings, I would have just added that amount to the sparge. even a 70/30 split won’t have much effect on efficiency.

on the pH papers…unless they’re the ColorpHast brand, skip them. Most other papers aren’t accurate.

And skip the iodine.

Well all went well the 50/50 run is good info cause it is a waste of time, I figured about a 70 percent effciency, it was a honey and the SG was 1.053 when I put it in carboy, so I am pretty happy, I wrapped the cooler in a sleeping bag and only lost one degree prior I lost 4 so it seems I either getting better or i Figured something out. Wife nevermade it back ended up having a few beers at HMB brewery and well forgot everything she was suppose to get at least she got me a Growler of the IPA.

Heres to all Home BRewers and a full day of brewing was fun and MY three year old help me aireate

Sounds like a great day!

I had one major mistake, I was putting the specialty grains for the xtract in a grain bag. I tried to b smart and do it over the sink, I slipped and dumped half the grains down the drain. Major bummer, Had to run to HBS to get somemore lickily it is only 15 min away.