Brewery wish list

What three brewer’s beers do you wish to try that are not available in your area?
For me they are: Surly, Three Floyds and Jester King

Three Floyds, Russian River and Great Lakes.

According to my Untappd profile, I’ve had 11 Great Lakes brews thanks to my trips through Cleveland, but they do not distribute in my area. Excellent stuff. I also just had a friend give me a case of four sixers from a trip to MN. Why is it that every time I get a sixer of Burning River, it’s well past its best by date? Very annoying.

[quote=“kcbeersnob”]Three Floyds, Russian River and Great Lakes.

According to my Untappd profile, I’ve had 11 Great Lakes brews thanks to my trips through Cleveland, but they do not distribute in my area. Excellent stuff. I also just had a friend give me a case of four sixers from a trip to MN. Why is it that every time I get a sixer of Burning River, it’s well past its best by date? Very annoying.[/quote]
I haven’t tried Burning River. I will have to keep an eye out for it. Edmund Fitz Porter is usually available around here.

It’s kind of hard to say, since there are a lot I haven’t tried, but I guess whatever brewery it is that does Pliny The Elder. I’d like to be able to get more beers from some of the companies that are available here, like Firestone Walker. We were talking about a UK brewer called Thornbridge on another thread, so I checked out their website - the 2 beers of theirs I have had were very good, and their lineup looked very diverse and tasty, so them I guess.

New glarus, Dogfish head, Seirra Nevada, and Sam Adam’s (not a huge fan of his stuff but it a grail of homebewing in my opinion).

I would just like to be able to try Surly brewing company and Three Floyds.

The wife and i do tours of wineries, brewerys, and distillary when ever we take trips somewhere
all three are awesome to visit, want to visit buffalo trace, makers mark, and jack daniels, worked close to jim beam, awesome tour if you ever get the chance to go.

come to think of brewieries I sent an email to budweiser because i am a fan of there “end of the world midnight wheat” made by shock top, tried to get a recipe no such luck, I would like to see a budweiser tour just to see the differances